Monday, April 27, 2020


SECRET 1: Everyone you marry has a weakness. No spouse is perfect, the one who comes in all shades of perfection is the one who is alive in your spouse, and that person is God. So if you focus on your spouse's weaknesses you will never get the best out of his or her strength. See, the couples that last are the ones who magnify each others strength, rather than the weaknesses.

SECRET 2: Everyone has a dark history. No one is an angel. When you get married or you want to get married stop digging into someone's past. What matters most is the present life of your partner. Old things have passed away. Forgive and forget. Focus on the present and the future you are building together.

SECRET 3: Every marriage has its own challenges. Marriage is not a bed of roses. Every good marriage has gone through its own test of blazing fire. True love proves in times of challenges. Fight for your marriage. Fight, Fight, Fight until the enemy steps out of the ring. Make up your mind to stay with your spouse through the ups and the downs.

SECRET 4: Every marriage has different levels of success. Don't compare your marriage with any one else. Two marriage can look IDENTICAL, but can never be EQUAL. I hope you are hearing me? Never compare the love level from another marriage with yours. Learn to be patient, and keep sprinkling water where you want the green grasses to grow.

SECRET 5: To get married is declaring war. When you get married you must declare war against enemies of marriage.

Some enemies of marriage are:




Third party influence.



Lack of love






And Cheating.

To keep your marriage you have to be willing to fight DIRTY with prayer and hardwork. A happy marriage is not for couples who want to be CLEAN.

SECRET 6: There is no perfect marriage. There is no ready made marriage. Marriage is hard work. Volunteer yourself to work daily on it. Marriage is like a car that needs proper maintenance and proper service. If this is not done it will break down somewhere exposing the owner to danger or some unhealthy circumstances. Let us not be careless about our marriages.

SECRET 7: God cannot give you a complete person you desire. He gives you the person in the form of a raw materials for you to mould into the person that you desire. Do you remember that God is a Potter? And as He is so are you too? This means that you are also a creator just like Him, and God is counting on your creative ability. Build each other up through prayer, love and Patience.

SECRET 8: Marriage is not a contract. It is permanent. It needs total commitment. Love is the glue that sticks the couple together. Divorce start in the mind and the devil feeds the mind. Never ever entertain thoughts of getting a divorce. Never threaten your spouse with divorce. As much as lies in you, choose with God’s help to remain married.

SECRET 9: Every marriage has a price to pay. Marriage is like a bank account. It is the money that you deposit that you withdraw. If you don't deposit love, peace and care into your marriage, your marriage will remain permanently unavailable to dispense joy!

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